The boys loved their new room. I switched the bedrooms around and put two beds in the big bedroom for them and put my bed in the smaller room. Now they have much more room to play. Daniel didn't want Marquis sitting on "his" bed. He didn't have one of his own before now. I decorated it all out with beding from "Cars". Marquis' is done in Sponge Bob. Kymberly kept them both busy keeping her out of their stuff and wanting in when they were painting. They can do that now and not be out under foot.
It was a wonderful visit. I had planned on going to their home for Angie's Birthday May 7 but she called and said Marquis was sick stay HOME. So I did. I have had enough sick to last me a very long time.
Here is their new family portrait .
Such a sweet bunch of flowers for my heart.
In case I didn't mention, on April 10 I got to be a Great Aunt again. Her name is Madison Elaine Bjorkson. She is my Neice, Jamie's Baby girl.
On May 3, I attended my double cousin's second marriage ceremony. It was lovely. Steven's Mother is my Father's sister and his Father is my Mother's brother. Now are you confused? Norman Frye married Emogean Stubblefield and Sylvester Stubblefield married Peggy Frye. That help?
I still can't beleive that on his Wedding Day Steven made sure that my Mother was there. He used the Church's handicapped Van to get her and his father from the care center in Clarkston. It was quite a surprise to arrive and see my own dear Mother there. She and Dad helped raise Steven and his brother and sister. His mama was sick a lot so they spent not just days but weeks, months, even years with us. Our family swelled from 6 to 9 whenever they were living with us. Quite a lively and wonderful time we had together. Being the oldest I did quite a bit of babysitting. How I love my other Brother Steven, Sister Sylvia, and Brother Mike.
It was a lovely wedding. The bride beautiful and the groom quite handsome. Fortunately, I don't intimadate too easily. There was a woman there who pushed everyone out of the way cause she was the "formal" taker of pictures. I took pictures any how and it turned out good that I did as she had no film in her camera for the first half of the wedding. She also prevented Chrystal's mother from being in the ceremony and said she couldn't have her picture taken as she wasn't dressed appropraitly. Bull to that--Steven asked me to take pictures for Chrystal as the officail photographer wouldn't. I did and took many many others. Some I wanted, some others wanted, and some they wanted. Turned out nicely even if I do say so myself and I do.

Chrystal and the Father of the Groom and my parents.
Chrystal with Steven and her Mother and Sisters

The double cousins--Christy, my sister, Cammie, Steven and his sister, Sylvia, and in the back my brother, Bill. Mike was ill and couldn't be here.
Itroducing Steven and Chrystal Stubblefield.
The last members of a generation attend Steven and Chrystal's Wedding. Steven's father, Sylvester Stubblefield, Aunt Barabara she was married to mama and Sylver's brother Noland Stubblefield, my Father, Norman Frye standing behind my Mother, Emogean , Mama's sister's Saide Talley and Lydia Bly. So many faces missing and all because of cancer.
Madison also made an appearance. She was quite the hit.
I include this picture because it shows my Nephew Brian Frye and his lovely wife Molly. As you can see, she obviously with child. On May 8 Brian and Molly had a lovely baby boy they named Mason James Frye.
Here he is. He is a cutie. I can hardly wait to see him. Oh, by the way, Jamie and Brian are brother and sister.
I have rounded out my activities by creating a Wedding Album for Steven and Chrystal. It is my gift to them. It turned out quite nice. I hope they enjoy it and the memories it preserves.
What's next on my agenda you might ask? I hope to work on my flower garden and continue Scrapping. See you along the way.