First, was the Scrapbook Retreat at the Palouse Divide Lodge. I completed 30 pages and visited many hours.
I am thankful for my roomie and Friend DJ

Saturday night was especially difficult and I gave it up and went upstairs just to see if anyone else was up. Sure enough I was greeted with smiles and hellos from Tina and Toni. Many thanks to the two of them for their care and concern.
It was 3:00 am and they hadn't even been to bed. Toni asked Tina if she were ready for bed and she replied with just a bit. At 4:00, Toni told Tina they weren't going now as they would just get to sleep and have to get up and they would be to groogy to drive home so they stayed up.

Following are a few of my favorite shots of the people I have come to call friends and the lovely Palouse Divide Lodge.

The weekend was soon over and I was off on my next adventure. I went to Yakima to visit my Aunt Sadie.

I stayed for 5 days and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
My cousin Wendy

She always came after work so we didn't get much time to visit as she had to go home to fix dinner. I promised next time I would come on the weekend so we could really have a good long visit. Wendy is our Grandmother Stubblefield's youngest grandchild and I am her oldest.
Sadie is my Mother's younger sister. She has been a big part of my life.
We went to the craft store so she could get beads. She is into beading and got me going. It is fun but I must admit I probably won't being do much as I prefer Scrapbooking.
We indulged my scrapbooking needs and went to Bellas a lovely store in Yakima.
It was amazing how fast those days flew by and soon I was on my way home. Have I ever mentioned that I am directionally impaired. Well, I am. And I took the wrong turn at Othello and was headed to Royal City. Not my idea of the correct direction to get back to Pullman. A good thirty minutes on the wrong road I turned around and went back. Stopped for lunch and then got on the correct road. I must admit it was an interesting detour.

I was soon home. On Tuesday I went to visit Mother. She was not having a good day her memory was really bad. I told her she just had holes in her memory and that it didn't hurt me one bit to fill in for her. We had a pretty good visit all in all and Dad stopped by. Mama is always thrilled to see Dad. I loved getting to see him. I was going to stop by the house but now here he was.
Wednesday brought me Morgan for three fun filled days full of talk, laughter, questions and Spider man.
We went to the Discovery Science Museum where he was most interested in the crawling through the tunnel and jumping and climbing the climbing tower. He enjoyed building with blocks and making tunnels for a ball to roll down. He was not shy in telling me he was ready to go home now.
I can't tell you how often we watched Spider Man nor the millions of stories I had to tell him about Black Spider Man and Venom. "Read me Black Spider Man. Why?" He would tell me stories of them also and then say, "Your turn." I had to take up where he left off.

We went to the store so he could get a Black Spider Man which entertained him for hours.
I had also brought home from Wendy's closed dollar store many items. It didn't take him long to sort through and find the ones he wanted.

We also went to the Park where I had to swing him higher. My back wouldn't let me play like I wanted but

A visit from Morgan isn't complete unless he gets to see Shawna. She plays right into his Spider Man needs and listens intently to his stories.

He is such a fun little person. I just love having him. It is just to quiet here without him. Though I must admit there were times when my ears were full to over flowing. I don't think he took many silent breaths between talking and questions but that is a OK.
This weekend has been very quiet indeed. I stopped up by PaperP als for their Remodeling Celebration. Got materials for my Card for Card Party and discovered when I got home I couldn't find something I needed to complete my card. Good thing tomorrow is Monday. Today I planted floweres and plants Aunt Sadie gave me.
There you have a very busy and fun filled three weeks. The rest of this month is going to be busy also as I will go look after my two grandsons. Once while their Mom goes to Australia to her brother's wedding and then again when she has surgury on her feet.
So, I sign out not knowing when my next update will be but I will be in touch.