Things have been quite hectic since November what with holidays and all. I really can't believe that it is almost February. So for bits and snipits and updates.
I have lost 145 lbs. What a difference it has made in my life, feelings, and level of activity. I don't get tired as quickly; have more energy and can play with my grandchildren more. My diabetes is diet controlled and I am wearing a smaller size.
Yes, there are some things that I am still having difficulty with. For instance, many foods doesn't taste the same; am having difficulty eating 1000 calories a day and I hate vitamins which I must take.
Here are a couple of before and afters.
Having some shaping up to do and some more weight to lose but for the first time since before my husband died in 2000 I weigh below 200lbs. Just barely but still below.
Took my Snow Bird Aunt Sadie to Yuma, Arizona just before Halloween. As she doesn't have a computer, I couldn't keep updated. Stayed until December 3. Had a wonderful time the two of us. I must admit though I am no where near the shopper she is. We went shopping almost every day. She took me to the Swamp Meet. Now, talk about something huge. I couldn't beleive all the vendors and stuff. You imagine it and it probably was there. The only weekend we didn't go was Thanksgiving weekend.
The desert is to my liking but it is beautiful in its own way. Here is a shot from my Aunt's front door of a magnificent sunset. Most were just like this.

I got to get to know my wonderful cousins--Nathan his wife and two children; Julie and her daughter. Because of the distance we have always lived apart, even as children, and the fact that I am 9-13 years older, I never really knew them except as little children. What a wonderful gift they all are.

Julie is 9 years to the day younger than I am.
Sadie and I took a trip to Carlsbad Caverns. You go through Arizona, New Mexico, around a bit into Texas and back into New Mexico. What a trip and what wonderful sights. I not only saw Carlsbad but the desert with its forests of Saguaros Cactus. I never knew cactus grew in foresters just like ours here only in the sand and spaced a little farther apart.

However, you can keep the desert. I like my Pacific Northwest and its snow, rain, and evergreens and grass. I swear that every plant in Arizona bites. They all had thorns, needs, or prickles. Even the Palm trees had saw blades. I was, therefore, very glad to get back home.
I went to Matthew's for early Christmas with him, Angie, Marquis, Daniel, and Kymberly. Had a wonderful visit. I enjoy doing Christmas before all the hubbub of the actual day. Gives them a chance to enjoy some gifts before the actual day.
Spent actual Christmas Day with my Brother Bill and his extended family. Twenty-one people there that day. I was overwhelmed not to mention that I had a kidney stone which put a damper on everything. Overall, though, it was a good day but very tiring.
Took Marquis to First Night in Spokane. What a good time the two of us had. I was surprised by all the things available for all age children. Hope to do it again next year but take the whole family.
Well, now you are caught up and I tried not to write a book and I assure you I could.
Hope your holidays were great and that you, too, look forward to an even better New year.
Oh, I also got to see London Bridge. The London Bridge. Now my trip to England has closed. I never got to see it in England as the good people of Lake Havasue, Arizona had bought and moved it.