Well, I am not where I wanted to be this last weekend in February. I should be the Palouse Divide Lodge for the Paper Pal's Retreat. Instead I am home nursing myself. Oh? You want to know why. I decided it would be a lot more fun to stay home hurt. Wednesday I was at Snap working out trying to get myself tuned. So, after doing a round on the equipment I am assigned to, I went to walk on the Treadmill. Bright light that I am, I didn't put in the level of my workout. I just put in the program. I thought I wasn't moving fast enough, not realizing the program would increase the speed, so I speed myself up to a more desirable level. Before I knew it, the walking pace became a wailing pace. I was flung face down on the treadmill and then, subsequently, dumped at the bottom of it. Thank goodness I did have the good sense to put on the emergency cord which stopped the machine. OW! Does not state the impact good enough. My trainer, Deb, and a man were instantly at my side. I wasn't sure how badly I was hurt but I knew my nose hurt. I was also embarrassed to have had this happen. I knew others had had accidents on this machine. My son, Kevin, broke his ankle on one last year. So, I felt lucky nothing was broken.
I went home applied Ice, heat, and Ibuprofen. Thursday, I knew I needed to see a doctor though I didn't want to. Karen and Shawna both said I must. I did. He said no exercise for two weeks. Complete rest, ice, heat, and Ibuprofen 800.
So, here I sit enjoying a pity party all by myself. Wishing I was with everyone and enjoying this weekend I have been looking forward to. What I managed to do was re-injure or rather antogonize my injuries from my horrific wreck of 9+ years ago. I didn't cry until I had to tell Karen and Shawna what had happened. Now I feel completely angry and tearful.
I will get well and I plan on going back to the gym as soon as PT releases me. Until then I proceed with being me.
I did have a wonderful weekend last weekend celebrating my Granddaughters 3rd Birthday.

My next PLANNED adventure is for the 10th of March. I am going over to Seattle to help my youngest, Kevin, celebrate his 33rd. For now, I must get back to resting. I do not make a good patient.