Well, after almost a month of not having my computer, I have it back. It is not quite the same. I am having to relearn it in some ways. Some programs have been forever destroyed and some gone though I can replace them. My scanner won't even load its program so I guess I need a new scanner. I have to buy a part for my printer which was broken in the disconnect. Makes twice I will have to replace that cord.
Now that I have whined let me get on with it.
My life has been very busy with visiting my Mother, Father, Brother, and Son, Matthew. Kevin is still in Afghanistan but I got an email from Tanna and she is home.
Mom is doing fine. Her short term memory is no better but she is more like herself and easy to visit even if I have to repeat things. I know she wishes she could return to her home but Dad just can't care for her especially not now.
You know what that man did? He was on his way to visit Mama and locked his keys in the house. For years, I don't know how many forever it seems, he has had a spare house key hidden outside. For some strange unknown reason, he moved it or removed it. So, he decided he could crawl in through a window. Yah! He fell and broke ribs. Father, Father, Father.
I asked him if he had gone to the doctor. His response, "Why? They wouldn't do anything anyway and what good would it do?" I told on him. I can't reason with him but my brother, Billy, can and he got Dad to go to the Doctor. He now has some pain meds to get him through this time.
Oh, Dad turned 79 on Feb. 13. And the older you get....You know the rest.

When I stopped to see Bill, I had a sweet surprise as Brian, Bill's son, Molly and Mason were there. Mason is Billy's newest Grandbaby. he was born May 8. His full name is Mason James Frye.

Mason's first picture.

Billy's other new Grandchild, a little girl was born on his Birthday April 10 to Jamie and Chris. Jamie is Bill's daughter. They named her Madison Elaine Bjorkenson.

Here is Bill and Jamie with Madison.
This is Madison's first picture.

Here is Bill and Mama with Madison. What is sad is that Mama doesn't remember that Jamie had a baby. What is worse, she doesn't remember who Jamie is sometimes. Jamie is her favorite grandchild and she and Jamie have always been quite close. Mom doesn't even remember Jamie is Billy's little girl at times.
Alicia, my sister's daughter, also, had her baby. It was still born. She had Edward's syndrome and had only half a heart and part of a brain. The contractions were too much for her little deformed heart. She wasn't expected to live more than a month at most. I know this is very hard on my Cammie, Alicia, her husband and the whole family. They named her Rachel Marie West and was born May 27.

Cammie admired and held Madison. She cried. Breaks my heart. She so wants to be a Grandma.
Shane, Cammie's son, graduated in June. The very next day he headed to the Marines. Hope he is doing fine. He is a wonderful young man full of dreams and expectations. Shane and Jamie were born 5 days apart and grew up together.
I spent time with Matthew and his family and Marquis came home and spent two weeks with me.
He is a lively little boy full of adventure and curiosity about all things natural. Took hims to the

Matthew's Birthday was June 20. Marquis made him a shirt using Sharpies and alcohol as he learned at the Science center. It turned out wonderful.
My Daniel is the sweetest most loving little boy. I had called him sweetheart at some point and later all I heard was sweetheart and I told him, "Yes, you are my sweetheart." He said, "No! Grandma! You are my sweetheart." Now if that doesn't make your heart do flips.
His birthday is July 6 and fast approaching. Here is my little Sweetheart.
He was sure upset when I brought Marquis home and not him too. I told him that I would bring him home after Marquis' Birthday Aug 22. I am leary as he doesn't like to be away from home. Angie's mama lives just a short distance from them and he won't spend the night there. Perhaps, with Marquis and the fact he so wants to come, maybe he will be ok.
My Granddaughter, Kymberly, is growing by leaps and bounds. She is running now and very independent. She will let me hold her but is still leary of me. Let's face it she doesn't know me. Here are a few pictures of her.
I have had a wonderful time with children. Now, it is time for breakfast, so, I say until later find a lot of love.
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