I had already decided how I was going to celebrate my 58th and that was to sleep in and not do a thing except go to breakfast and have Ableskievers. I woke at 5:45am and tried to go back to sleep but my mind was on a whirlwind jumping from one place to another, so, when Matthew called at 7:00 to tell me Happy Birthday I could honestly tell him that no he hadn't awakened me. We talked for a good long while even though I will see him this weekend. I am going to go up to watch Marquis show his goat at the Valley Fair on Saturday.
Angie is planning on making me a special dinner. Says I am never there for my Birthday and now she wants to make a deal of it.
Matthew finally asked where I had taken his folder of information for his MIT and told him that Debbie, who works in the French Admin building across from the Grad office, took it for him. Evidently the Education Dept couldn't find any info. To figure out why the left hand didn't know what the right hand had done with the stuff the left hand needed I spent awhile on Campus. All is good now.
I stopped to see Debbie and she asked what I was up to. I told her I had gone to breakfast to celebrate my Birthday. She said she didn't know it was my BD as it wasn't on the calendar I had made her at Paper Pals. Any way we had a nice little visit then I came back home.
No sooner had I stepped in the door than the phone rang and it was my little boy in Afghanistan, Kevin. It was so good to hear his voice. He said he had gotten sunburned on a little leave he took to the Persian Gulf on a boat. Asked him why he didn't use sunscreen. He said he had but had forgotten a few places (face, ears, feet) then he said that he could get sunburned going outside at night. Which is true.
We talked for a good hour. I told him about my plans to plant flowers and a tree or two. Told him I wanted a Tulip Tree but they were mighty expensive. He replied for me to check out the prices and let him know. He would try to get me one. Now itsn't that sweet. I hated saying goodbye but since he is 13 1/2 hours ahead of us I knew he would be thinking sleep.
Now, I was in the middle of lunch when the phone again rang. It was Debbie inviting me to their place for dinner. I didn't tell her it was my BD for her to do anything I had just mentioned it in passing. Any ways I went to Bill's and Deb's.
Morgan said he had got me the boquet of flowers. Bill and Deb game me a lovely neclace and I got cards.
What fun! I even had live entertainment.
Don't ask just enjoy! He had a hat for every character or googles or sunglasses.
Was a skateboarder named Danny.
He arrested his dog, Emma.
Oh and had to have a picture of his foot taken.
No sooner had we finished eating than he wanted cake and icecream.
Deb brought out the cake full flame and all.
I got home about 8:30 and saw that I had a message. It was my girl friend from Chewelah wishing me a HBD. I called her and we talked for awhile.
What a simply glorious day. One filled with fun, family, friends, laughter and love. Now I ask you, friends, what better gifts could one ask for?
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