I went to Kevin's and Tanna's for 10 days. As usual, Kevin sent me off exploring. Tanna was having a very bad time of it and I felt it best I did leave and go do something. It scared me to see her so sick and incapable. That is not like her at all. I keep praying that the Gleevic will indeed keep her well and with us.
So, off I went on their directions to catch the bus to Seattle. Now, let me tell you I can't think of an easier way to get around that busy area. I was soon at Pike's Place. Talk about loud, noisy and crowded. Egad! I looked around and found things very interesting. Nothing, however, called my name. It was interesting to see the Asian tourists wanting and getting their pictures taken in front of Starbucks.
So, off I went to the waterfront to buy the Seattle visitor's pass. It allowed me to visit The Aquarium, Zoo, Space Needle, Science Museum, Flight Museum, and go on a tour of the Sound from the Lake.
I had walked down a terrific flight of stairs to get to the water front and wasn't looking forward to the climb back up. I did find a less steep way to go and vowed that the next day when I started my official look at everything, that I would find an easier route. Icalled Tanna to let her know I was on my way and had had enough fun for one day. On my walk back to the Bus Stop I saw the Art Musuem That is on my agenda when next I visit.
The next day I took the little tour. How interesting that was. I didn't know that there were homes actually built on the lake itself. They were built on Cedar logs.
Oh, it turned out here was an elevator down to the waterfron from the parking lot right next door to Picke's Place. LOL. When the trip was over I went to lunch. I had been craving clam chowder. Oh oh oh what a mistake that one was. I got very sick. Too rich for my new tummy. O h, I did go to the Aquarium. It would be a great place to take my lil' ones someday.
I had been to the Space Needle several times before but it was interesting to see it through their eyes.
That weekend Kevin, Tanna and I did the rest of the tickets. We saw a fantastic 3d on the Sea at the Science Musuem. But I think my favorite part was the Flight Musuem. To see the actual aircraft up close and personal was wonderul. I saw a reproduction of the trenches my Grandfather was in. Oh how terrifying that was. We also went through the Airforce 1 that was for Esienhower- LBJ. and then the Concord. Both planes held much history and fascination.
After my time with Kevin and Tanna, it was time for the Paper Pals Retreat. That was a blast, as usual. I always enjoy myself and the people that attend. Eating proved to be no problem. I just had to be very careful.
The next big event was the NE Washington State Fair in Colville. My Grandsons had rabbits and Angie, their mother, was a Barn Superintendent. They spent Wednesday night-Sunday Morning at the Fair Grounds in a trailer. I never realized what work went into the Fair for the exhibitors. Wow!
Marquis not only had his rabbit but also his Llama, Poppy. Angie showed her 16 hand Mule and their miniture donkey. It was quite an event.
Here are just a few pictures.

I was so proud of Daniel. He was fun to watch. He is only 5 and did such a great job as his ribbon indicates. And he was thrilled.

Matthew, Kymberly, and I watched and stood around in the hot sun. Kymberly loved the animals so she had a great time. Matthew and I did, too. I stayed with him and Kymberly at their home and we played alot of Boggle and Scrabble and Kymberly played, and

Now, for a me update. So far I have lost over 80lbs and am no longer on insulin unless my Blood Sugar indicates I need some. I am off all other meds. Though, I must admit this is not an easy road. I find I hate food and take no pleasure in eating. I have to force myself to eat my meals. Thank heavens they are small. The rewards though out shine the negatives. I will be ok.
I did finally break down and buy a couple outfits that fit.

And....the journey continues.