I went to Palouse Divide Lodge for the Paper Pal Retreat. It was as usual a very good time. I enjoy the good company and the opportunity to concentrate on scrapping. I got an awful lot done--32 pages.
Then on Monday I went to Matthew's. I forgot I was headed North. To me I was just going to my son's. As soon as I passed Deer Park, I knew I had forgotten something--Warmer clothes and boots. And as I crested the hill overlooking Chewelah, I knew I was going to stay indoors. Here is Matthew's front yard.
My Grandsons, Marquis and Daniel, had received a Nintendo for Christmas with some games I remembered my own sons and myself playing. It was fun watching them. I tried but it would take me much more time than I had to relearn how to move. My 4 year old Daniel could play it and well. It was amazing to watch him. He liked playing with Grandma cause I couldn't do it and he got lots of turns. Marquis just sails through the games and of course then his turns last a long time. He tried to help me but I couldn't get it. I just had to practice with Daniel. He said, "You need a hug Grandma." and hugged me cause I was having such a hard time making the game work.
On Thursday, I decided to give Kymberly my Birthday present. Saturday she was going to get a big tah dah and I wanted her to enjoy this one before she was overwhelmed. So at 8:00am before Matthew went off to School I gave her her gift.
She and I had a lovely tea party. Marquis joined us but Daniel said, "No thank you." The tea party lasted all day and the next.
Her Mommy made her cute little jacket and skirt. Angela is a very good seamstress. She learned from her Grandmother.
We went to Sabbath School on Saturday and Kymberly and the boys dressed up in thier new outfits that Mommy made. I don't have a picture of Marquis in his shirt.
Her Daddy loves his little girl.
Later that day we went to her Granma and Grandpa Lundquist's for her Birthday. One of Angie's friends--Gina and her two daughters, 11 year old Cianne and 4 year old Ozzie, came down from Spangle to clebrate and go swimming the next day on a special field trip to Canada.
Now you must know that Matthew, Angie and her Mother are Vegans, even so, there was a lovely birthday cake and Glenna made icecream from Rice Milk. All was very good.
Kymberly got a kitchen from Grandma and Grandpa and all the groceries and pots and pans
from Mommy and Daddy.
All the children loved the kitchen and all its goodies. They played and played.
I had a wonderful visit. Kymberly has changed from a baby to a toddler over night. I am going back up there Sunday as Sunday they are having family portraits and want the Grandparents as well.
There now you got to come to the party also. Hope you had a good time.
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