I just have to admit that I am going to remain sore from my little tangle with the treadmill and get on with doing. Life will go on without me if I don't. Therefore, tomorrow I will return to the gym and beginning again. My PT may think otherwise but my trainer knows what she is doing and will only allow me to do what is best for me. I can walk. I can run. I can use my right side and I can and will do.
Not a whole lot going on right now. Getting ready to go to Georgia to watch my daughter in law graduate. Karen has been helping me put together her graduation announcements. My son asked me to do this and I was pleased to do so.
A cousin of my Father's sent me a picture of my Grandmother's Grandfather. Wow. Now I have pictures of seven generations to put together. How exciting is that.

Then her son, my father,

Me born 1950 with Shelby.
The 6th generation is my sons. Matthew born 1974 on right and Kevin born 1977 on the left.

Then lastly Matthew's children. Marquis born 2000, Daniel born 2004, and Kymberly born 2007. Pictured here with me.

David Ball looks just like my double cousin Steven or should I say Stevie looks just like him.

and again David Whitcomb Ball.
Me, my sister, Cammie, my double cousins, Steven and Sylvia, and my brother, Bill. Stevie's and Sylvia's mother, Peggy, is my Father's sister. Their father is my Mother's brother, Sylvester.
We are are Great Great Grandchildren of David Ball.

So there are seven generations to the Family Ball. I thought it was very exciting.
Have a great day.
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