Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today is the day

Today is the day for a new beginning. Today is the day for celebrating the sun. Today is the day for extending time in the sun. Today is the day for braving new adventures. Yes, today is the day.

I just have to admit that I am going to remain sore from my little tangle with the treadmill and get on with doing. Life will go on without me if I don't. Therefore, tomorrow I will return to the gym and beginning again. My PT may think otherwise but my trainer knows what she is doing and will only allow me to do what is best for me. I can walk. I can run. I can use my right side and I can and will do.

Not a whole lot going on right now. Getting ready to go to Georgia to watch my daughter in law graduate. Karen has been helping me put together her graduation announcements. My son asked me to do this and I was pleased to do so.

A cousin of my Father's sent me a picture of my Grandmother's Grandfather. Wow. Now I have pictures of seven generations to put together. How exciting is that.
This is David Whitcomb Ball born in 1864.

This is his daughter, Netta Mable Ball born 1891.

Her daughter, my Grandmother Leona Lillian Frye. Born 1909.
Then her son, my father, Norman born 1929. Here pictured with Mama.

Me born 1950 with Shelby.

The 6th generation is my sons. Matthew born 1974 on right and Kevin born 1977 on the left.

Then lastly Matthew's children. Marquis born 2000, Daniel born 2004, and Kymberly born 2007. Pictured here with me.

David Ball looks just like my double cousin Steven or should I say Stevie looks just like him.
and again David Whitcomb Ball.

Me, my sister, Cammie, my double cousins, Steven and Sylvia, and my brother, Bill. Stevie's and Sylvia's mother, Peggy, is my Father's sister. Their father is my Mother's brother, Sylvester.
We are are Great Great Grandchildren of David Ball.
So there are seven generations to the Family Ball. I thought it was very exciting.
Have a great day.

Friday, February 26, 2010

End of February

Well, I am not where I wanted to be this last weekend in February. I should be the Palouse Divide Lodge for the Paper Pal's Retreat. Instead I am home nursing myself. Oh? You want to know why. I decided it would be a lot more fun to stay home hurt. Wednesday I was at Snap working out trying to get myself tuned. So, after doing a round on the equipment I am assigned to, I went to walk on the Treadmill. Bright light that I am, I didn't put in the level of my workout. I just put in the program. I thought I wasn't moving fast enough, not realizing the program would increase the speed, so I speed myself up to a more desirable level. Before I knew it, the walking pace became a wailing pace. I was flung face down on the treadmill and then, subsequently, dumped at the bottom of it. Thank goodness I did have the good sense to put on the emergency cord which stopped the machine. OW! Does not state the impact good enough. My trainer, Deb, and a man were instantly at my side. I wasn't sure how badly I was hurt but I knew my nose hurt. I was also embarrassed to have had this happen. I knew others had had accidents on this machine. My son, Kevin, broke his ankle on one last year. So, I felt lucky nothing was broken.
I went home applied Ice, heat, and Ibuprofen. Thursday, I knew I needed to see a doctor though I didn't want to. Karen and Shawna both said I must. I did. He said no exercise for two weeks. Complete rest, ice, heat, and Ibuprofen 800.
So, here I sit enjoying a pity party all by myself. Wishing I was with everyone and enjoying this weekend I have been looking forward to. What I managed to do was re-injure or rather antogonize my injuries from my horrific wreck of 9+ years ago. I didn't cry until I had to tell Karen and Shawna what had happened. Now I feel completely angry and tearful.
I will get well and I plan on going back to the gym as soon as PT releases me. Until then I proceed with being me.
I did have a wonderful weekend last weekend celebrating my Granddaughters 3rd Birthday.
My next PLANNED adventure is for the 10th of March. I am going over to Seattle to help my youngest, Kevin, celebrate his 33rd. For now, I must get back to resting. I do not make a good patient.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A New Year

Happy Happy Joy Joy things have calmed down enough for me to return to and update my blog.
Things have been quite hectic since November what with holidays and all. I really can't believe that it is almost February. So for bits and snipits and updates.

I have lost 145 lbs. What a difference it has made in my life, feelings, and level of activity. I don't get tired as quickly; have more energy and can play with my grandchildren more. My diabetes is diet controlled and I am wearing a smaller size.
Yes, there are some things that I am still having difficulty with. For instance, many foods doesn't taste the same; am having difficulty eating 1000 calories a day and I hate vitamins which I must take.
Here are a couple of before and afters.

Having some shaping up to do and some more weight to lose but for the first time since before my husband died in 2000 I weigh below 200lbs. Just barely but still below.

Took my Snow Bird Aunt Sadie to Yuma, Arizona just before Halloween. As she doesn't have a computer, I couldn't keep updated. Stayed until December 3. Had a wonderful time the two of us. I must admit though I am no where near the shopper she is. We went shopping almost every day. She took me to the Swamp Meet. Now, talk about something huge. I couldn't beleive all the vendors and stuff. You imagine it and it probably was there. The only weekend we didn't go was Thanksgiving weekend.

The desert is to my liking but it is beautiful in its own way. Here is a shot from my Aunt's front door of a magnificent sunset. Most were just like this.

I got to get to know my wonderful cousins--Nathan his wife and two children; Julie and her daughter. Because of the distance we have always lived apart, even as children, and the fact that I am 9-13 years older, I never really knew them except as little children. What a wonderful gift they all are.

Julie is 9 years to the day younger than I am.

Sadie and I took a trip to Carlsbad Caverns. You go through Arizona, New Mexico, around a bit into Texas and back into New Mexico. What a trip and what wonderful sights. I not only saw Carlsbad but the desert with its forests of Saguaros Cactus. I never knew cactus grew in foresters just like ours here only in the sand and spaced a little farther apart.

However, you can keep the desert. I like my Pacific Northwest and its snow, rain, and evergreens and grass. I swear that every plant in Arizona bites. They all had thorns, needs, or prickles. Even the Palm trees had saw blades. I was, therefore, very glad to get back home.

I went to Matthew's for early Christmas with him, Angie, Marquis, Daniel, and Kymberly. Had a wonderful visit. I enjoy doing Christmas before all the hubbub of the actual day. Gives them a chance to enjoy some gifts before the actual day.

Spent actual Christmas Day with my Brother Bill and his extended family. Twenty-one people there that day. I was overwhelmed not to mention that I had a kidney stone which put a damper on everything. Overall, though, it was a good day but very tiring.

Took Marquis to First Night in Spokane. What a good time the two of us had. I was surprised by all the things available for all age children. Hope to do it again next year but take the whole family.

Well, now you are caught up and I tried not to write a book and I assure you I could.

Hope your holidays were great and that you, too, look forward to an even better New year.

Oh, I also got to see London Bridge. The London Bridge. Now my trip to England has closed. I never got to see it in England as the good people of Lake Havasue, Arizona had bought and moved it.

Aunt Sadie in front of The London Bridge

Sunday, September 13, 2009

One Busy Summer

I don't know about all of you but this has been one busy Summer! Busy is just not the word.
I went to Kevin's and Tanna's for 10 days. As usual, Kevin sent me off exploring. Tanna was having a very bad time of it and I felt it best I did leave and go do something. It scared me to see her so sick and incapable. That is not like her at all. I keep praying that the Gleevic will indeed keep her well and with us.

So, off I went on their directions to catch the bus to Seattle. Now, let me tell you I can't think of an easier way to get around that busy area. I was soon at Pike's Place. Talk about loud, noisy and crowded. Egad! I looked around and found things very interesting. Nothing, however, called my name. It was interesting to see the Asian tourists wanting and getting their pictures taken in front of Starbucks.

So, off I went to the waterfront to buy the Seattle visitor's pass. It allowed me to visit The Aquarium, Zoo, Space Needle, Science Museum, Flight Museum, and go on a tour of the Sound from the Lake.

I had walked down a terrific flight of stairs to get to the water front and wasn't looking forward to the climb back up. I did find a less steep way to go and vowed that the next day when I started my official look at everything, that I would find an easier route. Icalled Tanna to let her know I was on my way and had had enough fun for one day. On my walk back to the Bus Stop I saw the Art Musuem That is on my agenda when next I visit.

The next day I took the little tour. How interesting that was. I didn't know that there were homes actually built on the lake itself. They were built on Cedar logs.

Oh, it turned out here was an elevator down to the waterfron from the parking lot right next door to Picke's Place. LOL. When the trip was over I went to lunch. I had been craving clam chowder. Oh oh oh what a mistake that one was. I got very sick. Too rich for my new tummy. O h, I did go to the Aquarium. It would be a great place to take my lil' ones someday.

I had been to the Space Needle several times before but it was interesting to see it through their eyes.

That weekend Kevin, Tanna and I did the rest of the tickets. We saw a fantastic 3d on the Sea at the Science Musuem. But I think my favorite part was the Flight Musuem. To see the actual aircraft up close and personal was wonderul. I saw a reproduction of the trenches my Grandfather was in. Oh how terrifying that was. We also went through the Airforce 1 that was for Esienhower- LBJ. and then the Concord. Both planes held much history and fascination.

After my time with Kevin and Tanna, it was time for the Paper Pals Retreat. That was a blast, as usual. I always enjoy myself and the people that attend. Eating proved to be no problem. I just had to be very careful.

The next big event was the NE Washington State Fair in Colville. My Grandsons had rabbits and Angie, their mother, was a Barn Superintendent. They spent Wednesday night-Sunday Morning at the Fair Grounds in a trailer. I never realized what work went into the Fair for the exhibitors. Wow!

Marquis not only had his rabbit but also his Llama, Poppy. Angie showed her 16 hand Mule and their miniture donkey. It was quite an event.
Here are just a few pictures.

I was so proud of Daniel. He was fun to watch. He is only 5 and did such a great job as his ribbon indicates. And he was thrilled.

Matthew, Kymberly, and I watched and stood around in the hot sun. Kymberly loved the animals so she had a great time. Matthew and I did, too. I stayed with him and Kymberly at their home and we played alot of Boggle and Scrabble and Kymberly played, and colored with Dad.

Now, for a me update. So far I have lost over 80lbs and am no longer on insulin unless my Blood Sugar indicates I need some. I am off all other meds. Though, I must admit this is not an easy road. I find I hate food and take no pleasure in eating. I have to force myself to eat my meals. Thank heavens they are small. The rewards though out shine the negatives. I will be ok.
I did finally break down and buy a couple outfits that fit.

May 6, 2009

September 12, 2009

And....the journey continues.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Doing well

One Month has passed since surgery. Many changes have occurred. Some expected; some not.
I knew I would be tired. But, I did not expect my tastes to change. This has proved to be quite a challenge. Hard to get my needed protein in because of this but I am working on it. Looking for other sources.

I am pleased that my diabetes appears to be improving. And, yes, I have lost weight. I feel it in my clothes but not necessarily in the mirror.

April 22, 2009

July 28, 2009

May 6, 2009

July 28, 2009

Last Saturday my Brother, Sister and I had our parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebration. It was a very nice day. It was wonderful to have both my sons. I saw many cousins I haven't seen in years and people I didn't know or remember. Dad was really happy. Mama won't remember but she had a good time. Cammie, Mama, Dad, Me, and Bill

Dad brought his 1929 Ford. He stole Tanna, Kevin's wife, and took it her for a ride. It was wonderful. He hasn't seen her in almost 3 years. He has been very worried about her. Oh, Kevin is my youngest son.

We did enjoy ourselves but I am glad that the day is behind me.

Now, I will go to Matthew's this weekend to take care of the kids while Matthew works and Angie keeps books and scores for a roping. Then back home for Kit club and then to Kevin's for a visit. He and Tanna now live in Samamish. I just have to find it. My August is pretty well planned out. After the visit with them, is the Retreat, then the Colville Fair to watch the boys in their 4H Rabbit presentations. At the end of August after the fair, I will take Marquis for a birthday trip to see the Reptile Zoo again. Then, he has to start school so I don't get to have him long. September appears to be a bit slower and more normal.

So I am off to August.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Well, the time has finally arrived. Monday I will have the gastric by pass. I am anxious and scared. The unknown is always scary.
I will be at the Northwest Specialty Hospital in Post Falls. I should be back home on Tuesday. That is hard to believe but they don't keep patients as they used to do.
I was supposed to lose 40 lbs. I have lost 42. So, guess I am set in that regard.
I have to be at the hospital at 5:00am with surgery at 7:30 am.
It will be a while be fore I can let you all know how things are going but I will just as soon as I am able.
Prayers are always nice. Thanks for your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hi Ho Cheerios

Surprise, Surprise I am alive.

I figured it was about time to catch up on myself and with you.

March ended with a visit to my family in Chewelah for family pictures. I will be going to get them this weekend and I will share them with you. It was quit a day with so many of us there. Let's see---There was Matthew, Angie, Marquis, Daniel, Kymberly, myself, Angie's folks--Glenna and Ernie, and then her Grandfather, Glen. Everyone looked so nice.
Ang commented on how nice my hair looked, thanks to DJ, and I told her that it had lots of hair spray in it. A couple days after the pictures I showered. She laughed when she saw just how flat my hair was. Wow, what a difference.

April 10th is my brother's, Billy, Birthday and two of his grandchildren, Wyatt and Madison. So, on the Saturday before Easter, we had a Birthday party at Beachview. Billy turned 49 which means that on my Birthday I will be 59. Wyatt turned 7 and Madison 1. It was a fun day.
Family gatherings are always hard for Billy's wife, Deb as his first wife Deb is always present as she is the kids' mother. I understand how she feels.
Here are a few pictures from that day.
Little Madison with her Mama. Happy First Birthday.
Happy Birthday Billy. Here he is with his Granddaughter Meghan.
Dad wishes Billy happy 49th.Billy with our double cousin, Steven. He is as close as any brother could ever be. So strange to look at these two grown men and remember the two little boys that played happily together for hours.

Wyatt had a great 7th Birthday. Two of his friends also came.

I looked forward to Easter and spending another day with these wonderful people but that was not to be. I ended up staying home with kidney stones. On Wednesday of that week, I had it taken care of.

Then in, also, in April I made a big decision. I decided to have gastric bypass. So now I am in the process of preparing myself mentally and physically for this procedure. It is scheduled for June 29. I am scared but at the same time excited. I will keep you up to date. I have to lose 40 lbs by June 29. So far I have lost 12.

Now, we are in May. I wonder what happened to Spring? Today I go up to Post Falls for an exercise day in prep for my surgery.

I do it again on Friday but instead of coming home I am going to Matthew's for Angie's birthday the 7th. Her mom has it all planned out for her. We all went together to get Angie a special gift for her Lama, a harness for the cart.

The 8th of May is Mason's 1st Birthday. That is Billy's grandson.

Here he is with Deb. And again with his Mama, Molly.

There, you are caught up with me and so am I. Have a great soggy day. I am off to Post Falls.