What a great week I have had! My house was full of children, laughter and fun.
Friday last, my Son, Matthew, and his family arrived. "Grandma Christy!" was shouted and my arms full of two little boys each hugging and kissing. Now, I ask you, what could be better. My Granddaughter, however, wasn't quite sure what to think of me. She did let me hold her a little but not much. Actually, she is very active and quick I might add.
I thought I had picked up everything she could put in her mouth, however, I forgot about Shelby treats.
Here she is chewing on one of Shelby's rawhide snacks. Surprisingly, her parents did not care and it was a beef flavored snack.
We celebrated her first birthday, sort of. I gave her her gifts. No cake or anything as I just can't seem to bake a vegan cake that isn't like cardboard and tastes decent. So she just got her presents. Angie put it together and another little ball toy I go her.
It is a walker that turns into a ride.
Marquis made sure it was working just right for his little sister.
Here are my boys enjoying their lunch.

Marquis got glasses and lost another tooth. Marquis is 7.
Daniel is such a sweet little boy. Daniel is 3.

They are going to have a baby girl. Her name will be Madison Elaine Bjorklund.
The whole family came both sides and steps.
My father, Jamie's Grandpa, even came. We took him out later for his 79th birthday. We went to Zanys in Lewiston. If you have never been there, try it out. Good food for everyone even Vegans.
This is Deb, her step-mother with Angie feeding Kymberly.
This is Jamie's Mother, Deb, hugging her Granddaughter, Meghan.
Meghan loved Kymberly and wanted to hold her every chance she got. Meghan is 4.
This is Wyatt. He is Meghan's brother. Wyatt is 5.

Wyatt and Marquis have tons of fun together. This summer I am going to take the two of them to the Zoo.

This is Billy and Morgan. Morgan is Billy's and Debbie's surprise. Morgan is 3.
Let me introduce you to Brian and Molly. They too are expecting a baby but want to wait until it is born to find out if it is a boy or girl. Brian spent several years in the Airforce. Molly is a Nurse.
This is Matthew and Jamie. Until Morgan was born, they were my parents oldest and youngest grandchild respectively.
This is how the first part of my week was spent. Matthew and his family left on Sunday. I hated seeing them go but I had something to look forward to. Morgan's babysitter was unavailable Thursday and Friday and he was going to spend it with his Aunt "Kissie".
When Morgan arrived, he wanted to be Spiderman. We went to the store and bought the movie, two shirts, a Spiderman Hat, a Spiderman sticker book, and two Spiderman mouse pads which served as great pictures. I can't tell you how many times I watched Spiderman over those two days. Bet I can just about recite it by heart. Morgan acted out certain scenes and loved beating up Greengoblin. There were parts of the movie he wanted to see again and again.
Morgan had me put Spiderman stickers all over his arms and shirt. He played Spiderman and had a balloon which acted as his web. He even got Shawna involved. She obliged him by being the Greengoblin when no one was in the store but us. He sure liked her. an't figure out why:)
Here are some Morgan Spiderman pics.

Attacking Green Goblin.
More Spiderman Jumps.
He forgot his web. Ah, well he is a great jumper even without it.

What a wonderful week filled with family and love. We all should be so lucky. I have a large family and we are all very close. I love spending time with them any chance I get.
1 comment:
I had a great time with Morgan! I am so glad you brought him by. I do wish I could bottle some of his energy!
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