Friday, March 7, 2008

My Son

Sometimes technology doesn't work, at least for me and that is what happened this last week. No matter what I did I could not get this Blog thing to work. Hopefully, it will work now.

My son, Kevin, is now on his way to Afganistan. The last month he spent at Fort Lewis playing Army. He said he needed to learn how they operated as the Airforce is deployed with them. Now, both he and his wife, Tanna, are in danger zones. She is in Iraq.

Here he is studying hard the Army manuvers.

How he can sleep on that ground like that is beyond me. The 11th is his Birthday. I look at this sleeping man and picture the sleeping child.

I guess he has always managed to sleep on hard surfaces. This is is First Birthday. This year is his 31. I can't beleive it.

Shelby is glad that the snow is gone. Poor little thing. It was a hard winter for her. She was very disgusted when it snowed earlier this week. She looked at me as if to ask, "What's this? Why is it back? Get rid of it!" Now, it is gone and she can run and peek in at her favorite holes along the fence, bark at the next door neighbor man, whom she hates fiercely, and bark at the new dog next door. O h, at least I forget, any an all CATS. Little does she know what they would do if she ever caught one.

I have been very busy this week scrapbooking. What an odd thing to be doing, huh? Shawna hooked me on these new books by Stacy Julian . I have two of them: The Big Picture and Photo Freedom. If you have never read either, may I suggest you do so at once. The first one helped me look at my scrapbooking in a whole new light. I had never before thought why I was choosing explicitly a certain photo or layout. Now, I am appreciating the whys. The book is much more detailed than this.

The second book lead me to this week's scrapbooking. The book provides a technique for photo management. It even uses triage. You are provided the freedom to do the unthinkable, throw a photo away. The ability to find a certain photo or group of photos is wonderful. I am still in the process of reorganization.

This, too, is scrapbooking. It looks like a mess but the end results will be well worth the work.

I can already see the benifits as I put each photo album away and know where my pictures are for sure. One reason this is very good for me is that when my husband, Marvin, died March 11, 2000, I went into a place I still don't recognize. I tore every photo I owned out of its album and put them into boxes and threw the albums away. Over the last 7 years I started putting them back in albums but at random. Whatever picture was at my fingertips went in next. Now, I can reorganize not only my pictures but my life and mind. But, whether or not you are in a similar position as me the book is wonderful and will, indeed, help you use your photos more meaningfully.

Happy Scrapbooking to you all.

1 comment:

Karen Tews Lien said...

I am so excited to re-organize my photos too! I was very inspired by the Photo Freedom book also!