Monday, December 1, 2008

Good Day

Life has a way of sliding sideways sometimes and the last little while has been just such a time for me.
This is not a pitty party. It is just why I have not communicated lately.
1. I was under going my some medical needs. I have hurt a lot lately and found out that it is Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Treatment and appointments continue. It is just one more corner I must round and not an impediment to my life.

2. My Aunt Joan died of cancer. After 13 plus years of remission of Breast Cancer, cancer returned only this time in her bones. She lived for only a week and half after diagnosis. She is my Father's Brother, David's, wife.

3. The news that slide my world most sideways and for awhile off track all together was the news that my Daughter in Law, Tanna--Kevin's wife, has Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML).
She and Kevin had just put in their paper work for discharge from the Airforce. Tanna was undergoing routine medical examination so she could take a job with the ATF. This CML raised its ugly head.
Apparently she can not be covered by any insurance Kevin may get with any company he might go to work for outside the Air force. Doesn't make sense to me. I thought as long as you were covered by insurance without a break in coverage then you were covered by any other insurance. He has had to turn down a comparable job outside the Air Force with the one he is currently doing because of this insurance problem. Tanna may be medically discharged. All this is speculative and holds get concern.
The only cure is a bone marrow transplant. Kevin is checking into this as we speak.
Prayers are greatly appreciated.

As if this were not enough, as I was talking to my sister last night, she said, "Guess I can tell you now. " Tell me what! It turns out that at the time her daughter knew and she knew that the baby Alicia was carrying was not going to survive--Derrik, Cammie's husband, found out that his cancer had returned. He didn't even tell her for some time. Guess he has been undergoing Chemo since May. What?!
She says Chemo is through and that he appears cancer free once again.
You know a person should really share these things. It eases the burden and gives people the opportunity to pray. I just don't get it.

Good things did happen lately also. Morgan had a 4th Birthday and we had Thanksgivings. More on these in a different post a little later.

For now, I am headed up to Paper Pals and get my mind off the fact that today is my dear husband's, Marvin, Birthday. He would have been 63 today. Oh how I miss him.


Karen Tews Lien said...

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time these past few weeks. I know that Shawna and I are here for you if you ever need anything. can always come hang out with us when you are feeling down.

rmpowers said...

I am sorry to hear life has been so hard. Our prayers are with you friend. Please let me know if you need anything!!!

Wendy said...

Awww...Christy. I'm sorry to hear about all the bad news. I'll keep you (and your loved ones) in my prayers.

Judy said...

Christy, I am thinking of you! Please know you will be in my prayers!! Judy