Sunday, December 14, 2008

Life is good

Can you believe all this snow. Of course, it was due. Poor little Shelby.

Prayers help. Tanna and Kevin have had good news. The medication she is on is helping. Her white blood count has gone down. The CML was caught in its very earliest stages. The ATF is still looking at her and Kevin's prospective job is holding the position open. So thanks one and all.
Thank you all. I hope these happy faces stay this way.

Last month was my Morgan's birthday. What a wonderful day it was. Can't beleive it has been a month. Wyatt and Meghan came and Jamie brought little baby Madison.

Yeah for Spiderman!

Meggie had a lot of fun. Hard to beleive we almost lost this precious little girl. She was born with her intestines outside her body. Now at 5 she is thriving and growing. Such a happy child.

I gave him a Spiderman place setting. Here his mommie watches and Wyatt helps Morgan. His Birthday cake, of course, was Spiderman.

Yeah, for 4th Birthdays and Spiderman, Me!

Always the Spiderman. Great Grandpa, my Dad, also came. Here he is watching Morgan enjoying unwrapping a gift.
Jamie hands Madison to her loving Grandpa. He sure enjoys his little ones. Both Wyatt and Madison were born on his Birthday.

Madison has sure grown. She is cheerful and bright.

I just love this picture. This is my sweet neice, Erica, taking a nap with Madison. Such a beautiful girl. However, she is a teenage best seen sleeping though she is sweet she is still a teenage girl.

After the birthday, the adults played some poker. It is fun to play with the family. We give each other a hard time. We each put in $5 and just have fun.

After Morgan's birthday came Thanksgiving. Kirk and Laura always make sure I am not alone. It is fun to go to their house. I had pictures but for the life of me I can't find them. It was a very pleasant day. Laura is a wonderful cook.

Now we await Christmas.

1 comment:

Karen Tews Lien said...

That is such wonderful news about Tanna! What a Christmas blessing for you and Kevin.

Hope you got yourself "dug" out -

Merry Christmas!