Friday, July 11, 2008

Hi Ho

Well, here it is the second week in July and so much has happened.

Went to my son's, Matthew, home for Daniel's 4th Birthday July 6th. Then brought both Marquis and Daniel home with me on Monday. I held my breath as this is Daniel's first stay. Surprise! He didn't pitch a fit which is what I totally expected as his other Grandma has not had good experiences keeping him.

Our visit was wonderful until Wednesday. I took the boys to the Moscow Aquatic Center. We were there about 3 - 31/2 hours in the water. Daniel was having a blast as was Marquis of course. Anyway, I knew Daniel was getting tired and needed to get out and sure enough he asked to go lay in the shade. I told him ok but wait. He didn't hear the wait. I turned to tell Marquis and Daniel was out of sight. I had told him earlier that he couldn't cross the line. Because of this, I figured he went to the land. I searched and searched for him. I even went back in the water and looked around the slide and the buckets. No Daniel. I was scared now. Where was he? I went to the lifeguard station for help. They were just taking me to the announcement center when a lady asked if this was the child I was looking for. She was holding Daniel in a towel and he looked petrified. What she related made my blood run cold.
Daniel had gone to the deepend after all and she found him standing on the bottom of the pool not moving. I had nearly lost my Grandson. I held him close and of course scolded him but once I had done that I held him and held him. We, to say the least, left.

I called his parents and his Mama wanted him, so, ended the visit to Grandma's.
I took him to Spokane to meet Angie and both boys went home. Marquis had to go also as they have a wedding on Saturday. Besides, Marquis must train his goat for the fairs as he is in 4H.

Here I am home alone no little feet, no little voices, and no little hugs and kisses. Daniel is ok thank the good Lord for watching him for me. Thank you for friends and understanding. Angie said that he had gotten away from Grandma Lundquis on the 4th and that he could come again she just needed her own Mama Eyes on him and boy do I understand that.

Well, here is to a better week ahead and fun scrapping. Hope all had a great 4th.

1 comment:

Karen Tews Lien said...

That is so scary. I am so thankful that he was ok. You are a wonderful Grandmother! Don't beat yourself up about this, little boys are such a handful. It could have happened to any of us.